Table of Contents
Energy Tapping for Writer’s Block
I know how it feels
Frustration, doubt, fear, anxiety—these are the emotions that run amok in my body when I sit down to write. As I plant myself in front of a blank computer screen, Frustration whispers, “You’re so tired and are not getting anywhere. Go lie down and take a break.”
“Take a break?” I retort, “I haven’t even started!”
“But you’re not sure what to say or how to say it,” snaps Doubt.
“Yeah, and no matter what you think you can write, people are going to laugh and judge you,” sneers Fear.
Anxiety screams, “This is all too overwhelming!”
While the emotions duke it out, I sit frozen with my curved fingers hovering my keyboard. If I didn’t have to eat, I might remain frozen for days. This is how my writer’s block feels. And it sucks.
Thank goodness I have a tool—emotional freedom technique (EFT).
I think of EFT (also known as energy tapping) as a bright LED flashlight to expose and eliminate the emotional chaos holding my creativity hostage. When frustration, doubt, fear, and anxiety are exposed, they scramble like roaches.
How energy tapping for writer’s block works
Everything, including ourselves, is energy. Along our body’s surface, we have hundreds of energetic points called meridians. These meridians are where acupuncturists insert needles to balance a person’s energy. Of those hundreds of points, a handful of them is significant. These are their locations:
- Eyebrow
- Side of eye
- Under-eye
- Under nose
- Under bottom lip
- Under collar bone
- Underarm
- Under breast
- Little fingernail
- Middle fingernail
- Index fingernail
- Thumbnail
- Back of Hand
- Side of Hand
- Forehead
- Chest
Each point correlates to specific emotional discomforts. For example, the eyebrow meridian is related to issues of trauma, frustration, and restlessness; the collarbone, issues of anxiety and insecurity.
When we use our fingers to tap these points, we help heal some of our psychological pain. Please note, however, that this is not a substitute for professional medical treatment. You should always seek a doctor when you feel your needs are beyond the scope of EFT. Energy tapping is a resource in addition to professional medicine.
If you suffer from writer’s block, EFT is a game-changer. Energy tapping for writer’s block includes tapping a few of the meridians listed above for one to ten minutes can clear your blockage and motivate you to write.
Energy Tapping for Writer’s Block Part 1
1. On a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being none and ten being maximum, rate how blocked, stressed, frustrated you feel.
2. Take a deep breath.
3. While tapping the side of your hand (the karate chop side), repeat this statement two to three times, “Even though I feel blocked and frustrated, I deeply and lovingly accept myself.”
4. Take a deep breath. Notice how you feel. If you think you need to repeat number 3, do so.
5. Tap your eyebrow (the point where your eyebrow begins) about five times while saying, “I have writer’s block and feel very frustrated.”
6. Tap the side of your eye about five times while saying, “I want to write something, but nothing is coming out.”
7. Tap under your eye about five times and say, “I have articles, stories, essays that I need to write down, but I don’t know what to say.”
8. Tap under your nose about five times and say, “I don’t like feeling blocked.”
9. Tap under your bottom lip about five times and say, “I don’t want to feel frustrated anymore.”
10. Tap under your collarbone about five times and say, “Writer’s block makes me feel unproductive.”
11. Tap under your arm about five times and say, “I no longer want to feel unproductive.”
12. Tap the top of your head about five times and say, “This block makes me feel defeated, but I want to write.”
Energy Tapping for Writer’s Block Part 2
(Parts 2, 3, and 4 are a repeat steps 5-12 but with different statements.)
13. Tap your eyebrow and say, “I wonder why I’m so blocked.”
14. Tap the side of your eye and say, “I know I’m creative and have things to say.”
15. Tap under your eye and say, “I wonder what the real issue is.”
16. Tap under your nose and say, “Maybe I’m scared to write down my thoughts because I don’t want people to judge me.”
17. Tap under your bottom lip and say, “Maybe I’m scared to write because I don’t want to upset people.”
18. Tap under your collarbone and say, “Maybe I’m scared that my writing skills suck.”
19. Tap under your arm and say, “Maybe I’m scared that my writing will be really good and people might say, ‘Who do you think you are?'”
20. Tap the top of your head and say, “Whatever the reason, I’m ready to clear the way so I that I can write.”
Energy Tapping for Writer’s Block Part 3
21. Tap your eyebrow and say, “I am clearing the way for my creativity to flow.”
22. Tap the side of your eye and say, “I am clearing my writer’s block.”
23. Tap under your eye and say, “I am letting go of all the fear.”
24. Tap under your nose and say, “I am letting go of all the thoughts that do not serve me.”
25. Tap under your bottom lip and say, “I am clearing my blockage so that I can write the story, essay, article that I need to write.”
26. Tap under your collarbone and say, “I am letting go of the anxiety, the doubt, the shame that is holding me back.”
27. Tap under your arm and say, “I am open to being a powerful writer because I have something to say.”
28. Tap the top of your head and say, “I am open to being a confident writer because I need to speak my truth.”
Energy Tapping for Writer’s Block Part 4
29. Tap your eyebrow and say, “My blockage is clearing.”
30. Tap the side of your eye and say, “I am clearing the way for my words to flow.”
31. Tap under your eye and say, “I am ready to write.”
32. Tap under your nose and say, “I am clearing my writer’s block.”
33. Tap under your bottom lip and say, “I am stepping into my power.”
34. Tap under your collarbone and say, “I am embracing the task in front of me.”
35. Tap under your arm and say, “I am clear and ready to write.”
36. Tap the top of your head and say, “I am ready to write my story.”
Take a deep breath. Rate how blocked, frustrated, or stressed you feel. The number should be lower.
If you feel you need to repeat a part, repeat it. This is your healing and your experience. You are in control.
Take a deep breath
When you feel ready to write, I suggest a 5-minute free-write on your experience. Remember, when you free write, don’t edit yourself. Just write nonstop, no matter what comes out. Don’t worry about it making sense because it probably won’t. This is an exercise of reflection and exploration, and some times these two endeavors are mysterious and messy.
Trust the process. Be patient with yourself, and always be open to new possibilities.
I don’t think I’ve ever had writer’s block, but I’ve had decision block. I’ve sat in a room doing nothing in silence simply because I don’t know what to do with myself as none of my options sparks any kind of motivational drive to do something
Yeah, I’ve been there. Not knowing what to do because I don’t feel like doing anything. I’ve used energy tapping for those moments too! It clears the energetic funk so that I can get moving. Thanks for commenting!
I love tapping so much as its made a massive difference to my life but outside my therapist office I’ve not done very well in implementing it into my life. So thanks for creating this breakdown it’s so helpful.
I’m glad to hear you’ve used it, Izzy! And I hope that you can revisit it soon. Thanks for reading!
I’ve been having writers block from the moment I entered university. It’s been a struggle but I’m definitely going to try this out. Thank you
You’re welcome! Let me know how it goes!
Oooh I love this post about finding a way to break the writer’s block. We have so many different connections for energy. Also a reason why people meditate – to tap into that energy to feel better. I love the different things we can do to release some stress and set our minds free. Definitely need to give this a try, especially with how much time it takes. Patience is so important. Thanks for sharing!
Hey, Nancy! Thanks for your insight. Let me know how energy tapping works for you.
This is such a wonderful post. I too suffer from anxiety even when I am sleeping. Haven’t slept peacefully from many days I don’t even remember. I am gonna follow these steps. Thanks for sharing.
Hi, Samridhi!
Energy tapping can definitely help with your sleep. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you. Thanks for stopping by!
So interesting! I’ve always wanted to learn more about tapping! Thanks for the info.
My pleasure. Thanks for stopping by!