Fearless Marketing: My 5 Takeaways from Monique Idemudia

Monique Idemudia

Monique Idemudia

I still cringe when I hear someone say, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” Poor cat! But I get the point. There’s more than one solution to a problem and more than one way to approach, well, anything. 

Blogging is no exception. When creating a blog, your website is your playground. Colors and pictures and words–oh, my!

But before you plunge into your pool of creative tools, let there be a method to your madness. Remember, you’re serving an audience. Be kind and spare them sensory overload.

At the same time, be brave in your creativity. Experiment. Explore. Organize your chaos into an experience your audience craves.

Founder of Dragon Digital Marketing, Monique Idemudia, knows all about digital marketing and how to leverage creativity and expertise. Here are my five big takeaways from our conversation:

  1. Get over your fear. Fear is false expectations appearing real. It’s an illusion that can paralyze you. Instead of running from what scares you, lean into it. Get curious and explore your thoughts and feelings. 
  2. Pay attention to your visual elements. Colors and fonts are key. If your blog is on the fun, upbeat side, use shades of yellow. Blue is excellent for conveying competence, while orange communicates success. And remember the power of fonts. Comic Sans is probably not the best choice if you’re going for a more serious approach.
  3. Have a clear message. Know what you and your blog stand for. What do you want people to do, think, or feel after visiting your site? 
  4. Check your analytics and adjust accordingly. How many people are visiting your blog, and how long are they staying? What are your top referring sites? Which pages on your site are the most popular? Although it may be painful and scary to examine these numbers, you will need to do so to grow your brand. Analyze these key points and tweak your site to make it more user-friendly. 
  5. Try a variety of content. There many ways you can engage your audience. Consider the following:
  • Podcast
  • Infographics
  • Prerecorded or live courses
  • Video
  • Audio recordings
  • Articles or stories
  • Photos/drawings/visual art

How do you practice fearless marketing?

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