Need Advice Now? How to Solve Any Problem Within 1 Hour


If youre a woman saying to herself, “I need advice now…”if you are suffering from career uncertaintyif youre experiencing conflict in a relationship if you have low confidence…then this message is just for you. Heres why


You can now “borrow my brain” as we hang out in my top-secret virtual headquarters and use creative writing to find solutions and change your mindset within 1 hour.


And you need to realize there is a cost to not dealing with this


If You Ignore Your Stress, It Just Gets Worse


When most people need advice now yet put off finding career and relationship solutions, they talk incessantly about their issues with friends and family, take random online personality quizzes, indulge in retail therapy, seek advice on social media, attend personal development workshops and seminars, and shed a few tears. The list goes on and on. But for most people, none of that works.


  • They feel frustrated with themselves for their inability to make the right decision.
  • They feel like no matter how hard they try, nothing seems to work.
  • Their relationships continue to sour.
  • Their careers continue draining them.
  • Their confidence drops.


And what happens if you need advice now and just do nothing? If you just keep doing what youve been doing? You keep repeating the problem, wasting hours, days, and years of your life stressing instead of thriving.


How I Learned to Write My Way to Solutions


Ive got an answer that works. Heres the story:


In graduate school, one of my professors always said, You can write your way out of a problem.


I would ask myself, What does he mean?


Then, after studying the art of writing and learning the power of putting pen to paper, I understood.


When I need advice now and when I write to explore my issue with intention and curiosity, use the right strategies, and ask the right questions, I find my solutions. My awareness, consciousness, and life begin to shift when I put my solutions into action, and my situations transform from problems to opportunities. 


The right people come into my life, and the challenging people move out. I grow more decisive, clear, and confident that I can create the life I want and teach others to do the same.


Finally, Its Your Turn


When you get the 1 Hour Write Your Way to a Solution Session today, youll get the key to

  • Win back your time and energy.
  • Use Emotional Freedom Tapping to calm your mind and body quickly.
  • Gain clarity and find solutions through customized writing exercises.      
  • Get wise advice and guidance to put your solutions into action.
  • Be more confident in creating the life you want.


And you are 100% safe to try this out. Thats all Im suggesting. My Write Your to a Solution comes with a 100% money-back guaranteebut I dont stop there. I promise you will discover your genius, find solutions to your relationships and career, and boost your confidence. Your friends and family will notice your new composure. 


If you decide I havent helped you find solutions and step into your power anytime, just call me at 661-418-7462, and Ill give you a complete refund. You can also email me your refund request at


If youre unsatisfied, I would not feel right keeping your money, so I make it easy to get a refund. And just to be clear, there are no strings attached or forms to fill out, and I promise I wont question you.


Im so confident in this work and sure youll be grateful for your new self-empowerment that I won’t make you wait. I will issue any refund within 24 hours.


Its Decision Time


Write Your Way to a Solution requires you to invest the work, time, and courage. It isnt a get-rich-quick scheme or magic bullet to make all your problems instantly disappear. Its not something you can do halfheartedly and hope to gain the full benefits. Its not something you can fake your way through. During and after your session, you have to work for the life you want. And I am willing to bet on your success.


You have a choice to make: Do what youve been doing (or worse, do nothing at all). You know where that will lead. Is that really where you want to go? Take a new action and get a new result. Finally, start making wiser choices and transform your life.


Which do you really want for yourself? Heres what to do now


Schedule your Write Your Way to a Solution one-on-one session below and fill out the brief questionnaire so that I may customize your session specifically for you.


That’s it! Easy peasy.


Congratulations! Talk soon.


need advice now

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