How to Heal Through Journaling Workshop

How to Heal Through Journaling Workshop

how to heal through journaling

How to Heal Through Journaling

Write Your Story, Heal Your Life Workshop (An 8-week Zoom Workshop) Cost: $250 Class Size: Limited to 10 participants Date: January 9th, 2025 - February 20th, 2025   

Write your story, heal your life.

Your story matters. Often, we feel scared, intimidated, and unqualified to write our stories.   Here’s the good news: Writing isn’t about producing perfect prose. It’s about sharing your experience, healing your life, and inspiring others.   This personal narrative workshop will teach you how to heal through journaling and get your story out of your head and onto your paper. By the end of the program, you will learn the following:  

  • How to use writing as a tool for healing and self-discovery
  • How to use energy and breathing exercises to calm your nerves and boost your confidence
  • How to use a variety of writing exercises to spark your creativity
  • How to construct a compelling personal essay or memoir excerpt

  Each weekly session will include energy healing exercises, writing exercises, class discussions on assigned readings, and reflection.   No previous writing experience is required. The only requirements are an open mind, heart, and willingness to think outside the box.  

About Me

  I have twenty years of teaching experience and an MA in English Literature focusing on Rhetoric and Composition. My BA in Music enhances my creative approach to the art of storytelling. In 2020, I launched my Motivation To Write Podcast to inspire writers to reach their full potential. My essays have been published in various online literary journals, including Five on the Fifth, The Seraphic Review, and Writing in a Woman’s Voice.  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does a typical session look like?

Sessions are held via Zoom on Wednesdays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. PST and are limited to 10 participants. We begin each session with an energy tapping or pranic healing exercise to heal self-doubt, anxiety, or writer’s block. Then, we move into writing activities and discuss what you’re working on.

  • What are energy tapping and pranic healing?

Energy tapping (also known as Emotional Freedom Tapping) uses your fingers to tap on your body’s meridian points, which helps balance your energy flow. Pranic healing uses your hands to sweep and charge your chakras. Afterward, you feel calmer, lighter, and confident. 

  • How do I pay?

Upon registration, you pay the total price via credit card or PayPal. The 14-day money-back guarantee is good for the first two weeks. 

  • What genres do you work with?

I work with creative nonfiction, including essays, memoirs, biographies, and articles.

It's all about transformation.

Your transformation is your choice. I’m here to coach you through your metamorphosis, guiding you as you grow into a butterfly. I am honored to offer my service to you.   The ball is in your court. You can continue to struggle and feel frustrated about writing. That’s your prerogative.   But if you’re ready to grow wings and soar;   If you’re ready to feel confident about your writing skills,   If you’re ready for the words to pour out of your head and onto your paper,   If you’re ready to stop procrastinating,   If you’re ready to know, without a doubt, that there are people who want and need to read your writing,   If you’re ready to write fearlessly,   Then, let’s get started! *For more workshops like How to Heal Through Journaling, visit*













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