Sir Aimézing

Becoming Amazing: My 10 Takeaways from Sir Aimèzing

Sir Aimézing

Sir Aimézing

This week my guest is motivational speaker and author Aimè Mukendi Jr., also known as Sir Aimèzing. He shares his insights on how we can be powerful and courageous. 

As babies and toddlers, we embody and embrace these two traits. We yell, holler, and scream with all our might, commanding the attention of those around us. As we explore our environments, we take action without fear of ridicule or failure. We never worry about what someone else is thinking; others’ opinions are of no consequence. 

By the time we are teenagers, our confidence has drowned in a sea of “No” and “You can’t” and “Not good enough.” 

Luckily, Sir Aimèzing is here to remind us of our magnificence, power, and courage. Here are my ten takeaways from our conversation:

  1. Follow what brings you joy. Take other’s opinions of what you should do with a grain of salt. Deep down inside, you know what you need to do. 
  2. Study people who inspire you. Read their biographies and memoirs to learn how they handled setbacks and success.
  3. Your vision was given to you and only you. Be brave and take steps to make it happen.
  4. Be conscious of who you spend your time with. Surround yourself with people who will inspire you, support you, and be honest with you.
  5. Success is a journey. Don’t get caught up in wanting to be an overnight success. Enjoy the journey.
  6. Journal about your goals and check in with them consistently. 
  7. You are the architect of your life, so plan your work, then work your plan.
  8. Everything you need is within you. Journaling can help reveal it. 
  9. Always remember your successes when you feel like a failure. 
  10. Pay attention to your life. Seize opportunities and notice where they are leading you.

Life is always happening with or without you. The question is this: How fully are you willing to engage? 

You can choose to hide in your excuses or choose to step into the light and shine for the world to see. The choice is yours. 

Are you stepping into your power or sidestepping it?

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