Blogging As Art
When I first started creating my site, ZayZoh, I had no idea what I wanted to write about. I just knew that I needed a creative outlet. I needed to explore possibilities: Where could my writing take me?
I made up the name ZayZoh because I wasn’t sure what I would do. I didn’t want to be stuck with a copywriting tips or poetry corner site only to discover that neither copywriting nor poetry were topics I wanted to cover forever.
ZayZoh started as a poetry site. I had decided to become a poetry expert and blog about all things poetic.
I experimented with the poetry idea. I wrote poems and took candid photographs of myself, capturing my curiosity and frustration with adapting to pandemic life and confronting mortality.
I began to embrace blogging as art as my blog quickly became a canvas on which I painted words, emotions, and culture.
When I felt a tugging away from poetry, I leaned in and played with copywriting.
I don’t even remember precisely how I pivoted from copywriting to motivation and inspiration. But that’s the heart of art: being in a constant flow of creativity and always being open to change.
Never in a million years did I think I would end up podcasting. Yet, here I am, loving it. I’m curious to see what happens next.
Be open to possibilities. Embrace change. Your blog is a canvas, so create art, see where it takes you, and have fun.
Today, write a journal about any fears you have surrounding change or sudden pivots. Do some soul searching and ask yourself, “What am I really scared of?” Allow your worries to surface, then address them with compassion.
For more prompts, visit Also, here’s why I podcast.