Going Within: My 7 Takeaways from Marla Goldberrg


Marla Goldberrg

Marla Goldberrg

When life gets hard, we have no trouble listing all the people, places, and things causing our distress. Some of us are blame-game champions. We can aim and point our fingers quicker than Bob Munden could draw a gun. 

Imagine if we focused on our role as healers and agents of change rather than on other people as agitators. Our mindsets would shift so dramatically, and our lives would begin to change.

In my recent conversation with healer, teacher, and author Marla Goldberrg, she describes this shift as “going within.” When we learn to nurture, love, and trust ourselves, we are no longer concerned with blaming others. We strip them of the power over our lives that we at one point handed them. We step into our power and begin creating lives of joy and peace.

Here are my seven big takeaways from our conversation:

  1. Everything starts with you. You are the problem and the solution. When confronted with a challenge, ask your higher self, “What is the most loving and wise way to make this better?”
  2. Go inward to find approval and acceptance. We tend to seek other’s approval and acceptance, which leaves us feeling exhausted and disappointed. Instead, approve and accept yourself.
  3. Release your repressed emotions. Repressed anger ails the body. Use a healthy physical outlet such as screaming into a pillow or punching pillows to release those emotions.
  4. Breathe slowly for ninety seconds when you’re riding a wave of emotion. When you can’t scream or beat pillows, slow breathing will help shift your energy and calm you.
  5. Write letters of forgiveness (don’t send them) to others and yourself. Don’t hold back: say all you need to effectively forgive whoever wronged you, and most importantly, yourself. 
  6. Feel grateful. Feeling grateful for the smallest things sends healing energy through your body. Practice feeling grateful–set aside a time and slowly incorporate it into your daily routine. 
  7. Flow with life. Life is fluid. Rather than trying to force things to happen, allow things to unfold. This doesn’t mean you become passive. Instead, you become present, surrender to divine guidance, and take inspired action. 

What’s one step you can take toward going within?

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