What Are My Values? Why You Should Know What They Are

What are my values

What are my values?

My conversations with Nicole Starbuck and Dr. Orin Davis inspired this prompt!

Admittedly, up until about two weeks ago, I would not have been able to list my top five values. I would’ve fumbled and mumbled a list of things that I maybe, sort of, kind of, but not assuredly value. 

I recently read James Clear’s book, “Atomic Habits.” He says it’s imperative we know our values and align them with our choices. 

Life coach Nicole Starbuck, and psychologist, Dr. Orin Davis reiterated this practice, reminding me I needed to think about my values, write them down, and use them as a guide through life. 

These are mine: time, connection, health, education, spirituality. 

I encourage you to revisit or write down yours. It’s a fun, eye-opening exercise!

For more journal prompts, visit ZayZoh.com. Also, here’s why I podcast.


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