Do Your Thoughts Mostly Help You or Hinder You?

That pernicious chatter in our heads can be annoying and abusive. What’s crazy is it’s actually trying to protect you. 

Those worrisome and discouraging thoughts want to keep you from making choices that might not go as planned; thus, causing you to feel disappointed. 

They whisper, “If you try to reach your goal, you will fail, and people will laugh at you. And we don’t want you to feel humiliated.”

Remember, these are only thoughts. You don’t have to believe them, and they’re not true.

No one, neither you nor your thoughts, knows for sure what the outcome will be.

So next time a thought begins talking, ask yourself, “Is this thought helping me or hindering me?” 

If it’s hindering you, simply listen to its argument, smile, and reply, “Thank you for your concern, but I’m moving forward.”

Today, write a journal entry about your thoughts. Do they mostly help you or hinder you? How do you typically respond?

P.S. Check out my 7-Day Affirmation Challenge video on IGTV. 😀

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