Step Out Your Comfort Zone and Into Your Growth Zone

Step out of your comfort zone

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

I admit…I’m addicted

My name is Ebony, and I am addicted to my comfort zone. 

It is soothing, snuggly, safe. When I dare to consider leaving it, even for a minute, it begs me to stay. I concede because I, too, am scared to go.

But as a writer, I have to step out of my comfort zone because that is where growth happens. 

Most people think writing is a solitary experience. It is to an extent. If you’re writing for an audience of one, then you can probably remain in your snug corner. 

But if you want to expand your readership, grow your audience, and serve people, you have to think and step outside your box and take action on a few things. Today, I’m going to touch on three of them.

Three steps to step out of your comfort zone

What is the purpose of your blog? How are you serving people? What do you want people to do, think, or feel after visiting your site? 

This is so key; I can’t stress it enough. As a blogger, you are serving your readers. Be clear on exactly how you’re doing that. 

Are you helping college students navigate college life? Or perhaps you’re helping adult children cope with caring for aging parents. Maybe you’re helping people lead calm, healthy lifestyles. 

When you’re clear on your message, when you have a clear intention to serve, you must write valuable blog posts that solve your reader’s problems.

Provide content that helps college students with student life or adult children care for their parents. Write to serve them as opposed to merely getting them to read your articles. The more value you give them, the more often they will visit.

 I know–it’s a drag, and you don’t have the time, and it’s too complicated.  

Time for a mindset check. Is it true that it’s a drag and you don’t have time, and it’s too complicated? Or are those excuses to remain in your comfort zone? 

Unless you’re Taylor Swift and you instantly start with a gazillion fans, you’re going to need to appear in search engines. So get to learning!

Have you taken action on any of these steps?

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1 Comment

  1. That comfort zone can feel so nice, but it’s definitely important to venture it every so often.

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