Take Care of Yourself! My 9 Takeaways from Dr. Kiesinger

Dr. Kiesinger

Over thirty years ago, Dr. Kiesinger suffered a nervous breakdown then stumbled upon a book about meditation. She read it, followed the steps, and began a meditation practice she’s been maintaining ever since. 

But for Dr. Kiesinger, meditation isn’t the only self-care strategy. Self-care encompasses both your emotional and physical wellness. Taking small steps every day to reduce your stress include simple things such as purposefully breathing, keeping in contact with loved ones, and noticing the mundane. 

Here are my nine big takeaways from our conversation:

Dr. Kiesinger

  1. If possible, ask your mother what the circumstances were surrounding her pregnancy with you. Her response may shed some light on your disposition. Be careful not to blame her. But instead, take the necessary steps to heal. 
  2. If you’re an employer, prioritize your employee’s well-being in the workplace. Doing so will help to lower stress and boost productivity.
  3. Throughout your workday, take thirty-second breaks to breathe: Take big inhales and long, slow exhales. The extended exhales help to calm you.
  4. Not only does maintaining a low-stress level strengthen your immunity, but it also heightens creativity. Some of your best ideas may come to you in calm moments, such as when you’re showering or taking a walk.
  5. Meditation is about being with what is. Whatever emotion emerges, just sit with it. Feel it instead of pushing it away or running from it. After about ninety seconds, the feeling will dissipate.
  6. To begin a meditation practice, start with three minutes a day. Think of meditation as taking your brain to the gym. Slowly build your cognitive muscles and strength. 
  7. Breathe as you check and read your emails. Email apnea is real. 
  8. Be intentional and proactive in connecting with others every day. Maintaining healthy relationships is a vital part of maintaining a healthy life. 
  9. Notice the preciousness of every moment. It could be the color of a car or the smile on a stranger’s face. Looking for these precious details helps bring us to the present moment. 

Self-care doesn’t have to be some lofty idea you deem impossible. It’s a practice that you build step by step. And each step pays off in dividends. Which small action will you take today?

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