Put Down Your Phone, and Pick Up Your Life: My 6 Takeaways from Liana Pavane

Liana Pavane

After my recent interview with Liana Pavane, a memory has resurfaced. Years ago, my brother and his family took in a large dog that wasn’t trained and had no intention of taking direction. “When I try walking him,” my brother said, “He ends up walking me!”

I never forgot the hilarious image of this dog dragging my brother around the block by its leash. 

Recently, another indelible image has entertained me: my cell phone dragging me through the day by a leash. 

As silly as that may look and sound, unfortunately, it’s pretty accurate. My phone calls the shots, and I follow its lead. When it pings, I unlock, swipe, tap, and launch into an abyss of tasks–some of which are necessary. Most, however, do not warrant the time and energy I spend performing them. 

Do I really need to comment now? Must I check my Instagram? Can my email wait a minute or two or three?

In many ways, COVID has tightened the leash. I have come to depend on my technology for comfort. And my computers and phones are more than happy to oblige and cultivate my co-dependency. 

Luckily, digital wellness coach Liana Pavane shared some helpful tips to help you and me and begin to set boundaries with our phones and take control of our lives.

Here are my six big takeaways from our conversation.

Liana Pavane

  1. Connect with humans! Although COVID is limiting how we connect, having face-to-face interactions via apps like Zoom and Facetime is better than accumulating likes on your favorite social media app.
  2. Connect with your inner child, and engage in fun activities and hobbies that bring you in touch with your body, mind, and spirit. Blowing bubbles, doing puzzles, coloring, singing, cooking–these are great ways to bring yourself back to the present moment.
  3. Journaling is a powerful tool to connect with yourself. Write your ideas and feelings freely, without editing or judging your words. 
  4. You are enough. Depending on likes and comments to boost your self-esteem can result in a wild ride on an emotional rollercoaster. Instead, invest time in appreciating yourself and nurturing your self-worth. 
  5. Take a long walk and be aware of life happening around you. Hear the car horns; feel the breeze brushing your body, and see the different colors and shapes of buildings. 
  6. End your day and begin your day without your phone. Checking your email or social media before you go to bed and when you wake-up can leave you frazzled, worried, and anxious. Replace this ritual with a healthier habit, such as meditating or journaling. 

What’s one step you can take toward disconnecting with your phone and connecting with your life?

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